
I have an additional question to an old mailing list discussion:

It was about dependency problems just due to the fact, that packages are 
(unnecessarily) named different: There are many KDE backports out 
there, some of them depends on libqt3-mt, some of them on 
libqt3c102-mt. So it is difficult (?) to build a package of an KDE 
application which will work with both of these different backports:

>> Can't you make your package depend on kdelibs4, and use the implicit
>> kdelibs4->libqt3* dependency ?
>No. The package dependencies are generated at build time against
>whatever the package links to, plus manually set dependencies. So for
>kdelibs4 and libqt3c102-mt they are automatically set up.

Now i noticed, that i can resolve the problem by manually correct the 
Depends field like that:

Depends: ..., libqt3-mt (>= 3:3.1.2), ...

Depends: ..., libqt3-mt (>= 3:3.1.2) | libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.1.2), ...

That works, but is there an better way to achieve that?


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