On Tuesday 03 August 2004 21:44, Henning Moll wrote:
> Chris, thank you for your answer!
> On Sunday 01 August 2004 22:18, Chris Cheney wrote:
> > Otherwise if it
> > isn't really built against gcc 3.2+ it should not be using the c102
> > form of the name.
> Hmm, i think they must be compiled with gcc < 3.2. Otherwise they won't
> work on woody, right?

Not necessarly, they would need a compatible libstdc++ though.

But I think you are right, just checked g++ --version and it says 2.95 but a 
Qt application compiled with it can link to libqt-mt.so.3.2.3 from the 
libqt3c102-mt package just fine.

> So i assume, that the creator just took the sid source packages.
> Unfortunately, these backports are available on all kde mirrors, and so
> i think they are used very often.
> Hmm, to all participants of this list: Which KDE backport for woody are
> you using?

download.kde.org or more specific the mirror on gd.tuwien.ac.at

However there seems to be a minor packaging problem:
kslash and others require libxcursor1 >= 1.1.2 while libqt3-dev depends on 
libcursor-dev 1.0.2
1.0.2 is also the version on the mirrors.

> I really appreciate experiences of people who also backport other KDE
> applications.

I am not a backporter myself but I just wanted to say I really appreciate the 
work you and the other backporters do!


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