The last approved KDE version on Woody that we would approve for our support 
clients was 3.1.4 also..

I have never yet got a woody box up without complications on 3.2.2, however 
grateful to Andrea we are for those debs..  And by the looks of it, we will 
move to sarge before this is resolved..

A major part of this is the backports for xfree86 that are needed, which were 
needed to install 3.2.2, but even things like openoffice1.1 need older 
packages.  fontconfig which is needed by a bunch of stuff, comes from the new 
xfree stuff, and conflicts with needed packages.. and kdebase, reports that 
it needs newer versions of packages, which are installed but for some reason 
not detected, that i havent' had time to resolve..

(Actually, kdebase relies on kdeprint, which relies on gv, which relies on gs, 
which relies on gs-common, which relies on defoma, which relies on dialog, 
which wants to replace everything in order to upgrade on this machine, 
because debconf relies on it, and dialog got corrupted in the update to 3.2.2 
in the first place somehow when upgrading to new xfree)

Now it seems that the debconf installed wants at least dialog 9b, but apt-get 
still wants to install 9a, so manually trying to install 9b says that I need 
a newer libc6 than what will install via apt-get, so at the end of the day, I 
end up with a libc6 conflict.  apt-get -f install said remove dialog, which I 
did :))  Now all I have is a fontconfig which won't upgrade, so I did a 
remove (tried), but it complained about xlibs.. So I tried an 'install' on 
fontconfig, and it wanted gsfonts-x11, but that could not go in, because 
Depends: xutils (>= 4.1.0-12) but xutils is already at 4.3.0.dfsg.1-0.woody.
Go figure.. Dependency hell...  At least with apt-cache and dpkg, we can see 
what the problems are..  If you can wade through it all)

We had to do like everyone else, and start aiming for sarge and not woody 
anymore for the clients, if we want them to keep up to date with a simple 
'apt-get update/upgrade'

deb woody main
deb stable main

On August 3, 2004 05:59 pm, Nick Boyce wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Aug 2004 21:44:12 +0200, Henning Moll wrote:
> >Hmm, to all participants of this list: Which KDE backport for woody are
> >you using?
> My machines (one at home, several at work) are all using the 3.1.4
> debs for Woody from
> The 3.2.2 debs won't install on these boxes without major pain (well
> it looks like that ... the simulation was enough to scare me off - see
>, which _may_
> be due to me having XFree86 4.2.1 from installed.
> BTW: the only other backports I have installed are Kopete from
>, and Eloy Paris's Samba from
> Cheers
> Nick Boyce
> Bristol, UK
> --
> C isn't that hard: void (*(*f[])())() defines f as an array of
> unspecified size, of pointers to functions that return pointers to
> functions that return void.

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