On Tue, 3 Aug 2004 21:44:12 +0200, Henning Moll wrote:

>Hmm, to all participants of this list: Which KDE backport for woody are 
>you using?

My machines (one at home, several at work) are all using the 3.1.4
debs for Woody from download.kde.org.

The 3.2.2 debs won't install on these boxes without major pain (well
it looks like that ... the simulation was enough to scare me off - see
http://lists.debian.org/debian-kde/2004/07/msg00121.html), which _may_
be due to me having XFree86 4.2.1 from www.backports.org installed.  

BTW: the only other backports I have installed are Kopete from
http://kopete.creativa.cl/debian/woody/, and Eloy Paris's Samba from

Nick Boyce
Bristol, UK
C isn't that hard: void (*(*f[])())() defines f as an array of
unspecified size, of pointers to functions that return pointers to
functions that return void.

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