On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 12:36:35AM +0100, R. Rodriguez wrote:
> Hi. I just wanted to know why there are so many multimedia players
> for KDE. Why do exist kaboodle, noatun, kplayer (named in the
> latest kde cvs digest), kmplayer...?? Wouldn't be better just one
> GOOD player? (i'm not saying those ones aren't good... but a joint
> effort could be more powerful i think).

Well, by some accounts, there are also 375 text editors on GNU/Linux. 
Why didn't they start working on a unified editor? Why didn't the vi 
and Emacs developers join forces? Why do we have hundreds of  X window 
managers? ...

Well, they have different purposes, that's why they exist. Ofcourse, 
sometimes unification works ( like the case of KDE CD burning tools), 
but most of the times, it doesn't.


/* My name is Jehovah. I have a special plan to save the universe, but
because of heavenly security reasons I can't tell you what that plan
is. Your's just going to put your faith in me, because I see the
picture and you don't. You know I'm good, because I told you so. If you
don't believe me, I'll throw you on my enemies list and throw you in a
pit where Infernal Revenue Service will audit your taxes for eternity*/
Aryan Ameri

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