Quoting Michael Bramer (gr...@debian.org):

> If we close the door, we don't get new people.

Plain bullshit, sorry to say this. We're proving the opposite for
years, in all other l10n areas in Debian than DDTP.

It unfortunately seems that several contributors, here around, now
seem more interested in quantity than quality, if I believe the
"support" got by keeping the possibility of anynomous cra^W

I won't go against this. I'll just be sad about this evolution. And I
will certainly keep the doors locked for French (you know...those
dudes who translate everything....but insist on translating *well*
more than translating *a lot*). And if, par malheur, French
contributors also insist on allowing anon contributions, I'll just
step out from localization activities and focus on my packages.

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