Quoting Duy Hùng Trần (nguyentieu...@gmail.com):
> Hi,
> Thank you so much for your replies, they are very clear and helpful!
> We are going to establish a Debian translation team in Vietnam. We will send
> a request to open a debian-l10n-vietnamese mailing list soon.

There is already one pending, indeed. You may want to check the bugs
reported against the "lists.debian.org" pseudo-package

It's great to see that things are building up in your country. I
suspect that Fossasia in Ho Chi Minh Twon (sorry, can put the right
accents at the right places) and the Mini Debconf that happened there,
have been a great motivation for this.

Please feel free to follow up and ask if anything isn't clear.

As Eric already mentioned, the invaluable Clytie (who you probably
already heard about) is the de facto person to talk with about
Vietnamese translation. Eric mentioned "you may want to meet up",
which is however kinda more difficult as whe's living in Australia.

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