this page

could also be useful. f.ex.: Nis has already a Vietnamese translation waiting 
for integration. 

the packets with the highest scores are most likely to get a non maintainer 


--- Den ons 8/12/10 skrev <>:

> Fra: <>
> Emne: Re: Where I could get po files to translate?
> Til:
> Dato: onsdag 8. december 2010 15.31
> Hello and welcome to the wonderful
> world of debian-l10n/i18n!
> The basic components of the translation work to be done are
> the po files of programs and po-debconf files. The regular
> po files contain the strings that you see all over the
> Debian system, such as the login prompt etc. These are used
> by the programs.
> Po-debconf, however, contains strings that are used by
> debconf while configuring the packages, e.g. while
> installing the package or whenever you run
> dpkg-reconfigure.
> For a beginning translator I would recommend starting with
> po-debconf, because they generally contain less and easier
> to translate strings (not all of them though...) in contrast
> to the po strings which are generally more specialized...
> You should probably meet up with Clytie Siddal, who for as
> far as I know currently is the only one active for the
> Vietnamese l10n project. Her address should be somewhere in
> the list archives over here...
> The packages that are listed under "already i18n-ed" have
> been prepared for internationalization, but haven't been
> translated to you language yet. You should create new po
> files from scratch, based on the PO Templates - POT files.
> You can find a link to these at the top of the translation
> status pages, both for regular po and po-debconf.
> I hope I have helped you into the right direction and good
> luck with translating!
> Regards,
> Eric Spreen
> PS Maybe this would be a good motivation to reconsider
> opening a debian-l10n-vietnamese mailing list?

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