25 вересня 2006 о 14:17 +0300 Eddy Petrişor написав(-ла):
> On 25/09/06, Eugeniy Meshcheryakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >25 вересня 2006 о 09:19 +0100 MJ Ray написав(-ла):
> >> Question raised on -l10n-esperanto recently: can gettext be used for
> >> localising a program with a utf-8 non-English source language?  That is,
> >> the thing in the _("...") has accents and isn't English.
> Yes.
> >If string has accents it probably will not be decoded properly if user's
> >locale differs from developer's locale (maybe that was changed). Also
> AFAIK, the decoding depends only on the specified encoding in the header.
Yes, for translation. But if it is original language, there are no po
files to get encoding from. That is not problem if you use UTF-8 locale,
you get readable text. But if you use non-utf8 locale, and there is no
translation written (or it is Esperanto locale), you get unreadable

From gettext mainual:

   Note that the MSGID argument to `gettext' is not subject to
character set conversion.  Also, when `gettext' does not find a
translation for MSGID, it returns MSGID unchanged - independently of
the current output character set.  It is therefore recommended that all
MSGIDs be US-ASCII strings.

Eugeniy Meshcheryakov

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