> Thanks again for all your work on Debian Installer localization. We
> did a great job together, guys and girls, and we will continue to do
> so.

Thank you a lot for the update Christian, one question, though, what
happens with the debian-install manual for Sarge? When is the "Last Call
for Translations" due? I've heard some strange statements that these need 
to be done before initrd is uploaded, for some unknown reason.

Even though 19 languages are almost 100% for all stages, currently there
are only 5 languages which have supassed 90% translation status for the
manual [1]. This is worse than the woody release, in which the manual and 
release notes were available for 10-11 languages.

Of course, some of this work (for example Release Notes) can be done after 
the release since it doesn't affect it. However, the manual is bound to be 
present in the CD-ROMs somehow. Isn't it?



[1] http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/

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