On 27 Apr 1999 Ardo van Rangelrooij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm adding a <translator> tag to DebianDoc-SGML (wish #30374).
> I would like to precede the list of translators by the string
> 'translated by'.  Could you provide a proper translation of this
> string in one of the languages which DebianDoc-SGML supports?
> (Dutch is not needed :-)

In Japanese the equivalent of `translated by' would not precede the
list of names, rather the list of names precedes the `translated by'

FWIW, the Japanese would read (using my own name)

   Olaf Meeuwissen 訳  or メウィッセン オラフ 訳

Changwoo Ryu already mentioned a similar situation with things like
`Chapter 5', where the number and string are reversed in Korean and
Japanese (and quite probably in Chinese as well).  Actually, it is
even worse than that.  The most natural Japanese translation would
not only reverse word order, it also prefixes the number, something
like `No. 2 Chapter' or in Japanese


Hope this helps ;-)

Olaf Meeuwissen                              Shinshu University, Japan

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