Messages by Thread
Kirchentag 2011 Dresden
Thomas Koch
new mailinglist for Debian@Linuxtag2010, Berlin
Holger Levsen
1 month until MDC Mini-DebConf in Berlin!
Ferdinand Thommes
Sizin için seçtik
[UNICOLOMBIA] Matriculas abiertas
- AGM 2010 on 2010-05-20
Daniel Baumann
Call for Agenda and Date for AGM 2010
Daniel Baumann
les news airsoft
la boutique airsoft, armes de loisir, Air Soft Gun ou Soft Air
A recommendation from a friend
rita ukazi
2.5% daily for 200 days without any risk.
Reception of applications for LVEE 2010 is opened
Viktar Siarheichyk
Alvaro - Vintage Design
Re: minidebconf Berlin June 10/11!
Ferdinand Thommes
minidebconf Berlin June 10/11?
Jan Hauke Rahm
If you have a hardwood floor, times have changed.
Mike Hammond
Linuxtag 2010 in Berlin
Alexander Wirt
Anyone interested in submitting a Debian GNU/kFreeBSD talk for GUUG FFG, 25th-28th May in Cologne?
Axel Beckert
Seminario Optimización y Control Estratégico de Sucursales 2010
Lic lucia torres
Taking flyers from Hannover to Chemnitz?
Alexander Reichle-Schmehl
Lieliska iespēja saņemt dāvanu!
Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Gaudenz Steinlin
Re: Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Axel Beckert
[last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Gaudenz Steinlin
Re: [last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Luca Capello
Re: [last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Martin Schulze
Re: [last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Gaudenz Steinlin
Re: [last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Daniel Baumann
Re: [last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Luca Capello
Re: [last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Luca Capello
Re: [last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Kevin Mark
Re: [last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Luca Capello
Re: [last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Gaudenz Steinlin
Re: [last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Luca Capello
Re: [last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Daniel Baumann
Re: [last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Didier 'OdyX' Raboud
Re: [last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Gaudenz Steinlin
Re: [last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Luca Capello
Re: [last call] Debian at OpenExpo, 24. - 25.3.2010 in Bern
Fwd: FrOSCamp 2010 Zurich A nnouncement / Ankündigun g [origin:]
Axel Beckert
minidebconf planned in Berlin
Ferdinand Thommes
RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Xavier Oswald
Re: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Stefano Zacchiroli
Re: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Holger Levsen
Debian Wine (was: Re: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010)
Joost van Baal
Re: Debian Wine (was: Re: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010)
Andreas Tille
Re: Debian Wine (was: Re: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010)
Holger Levsen
Re: Debian Wine (was: Re: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010)
Andreas Tille
Re: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Axel Beckert
Re: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Bernd Zeimetz
Re: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Axel Beckert
Re: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Stefano Zacchiroli
Providing/selling CDs at events (was: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010)
Sebastian Harl
Re: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Stefano Zacchiroli
Re: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Christian PERRIER
Re: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Anto Recio
Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Andreas Tille
Re: Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Axel Beckert
Re: Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Xavier Oswald
Re: Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Andreas Tille
Re: Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Benoit Mortier
Re: Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Emmanuel Bouthenot
Re: Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Benoit Mortier
Re: Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Xavier Oswald
Re: Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Andreas Tille
Re: Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Xavier Oswald
Re: RMLL2010: hacking room report
Sven Guckes
Re: Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Xavier Oswald
Re: Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Xavier Oswald
Re: Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Andreas Tille
Re: Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Xavier Oswald
Re: Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Andreas Tille
Re: Reminder: RMLL/LSM Bordeaux, 6 to 11 july 2010
Benoit Mortier
Seminarios Pms de México Febrero 2010.
Lic . Iris Macias
Ozel ve Gizli
Zeynep Yildirim
Call for Papers for LinuxTag 2010 (9.-12.06.2010)
Marko Jung
%Nuevas Reformas a la Ley de ADQUISICIONES
Lic. Giovanna Garcia
Video team at FOSDEM 2010?
Wouter Verhelst
Debian at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2010 (2010-03-13 to -14, Chemnitz, Germany)
Jan Wagner
Re: Debian at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2010 (2010-03-13 to -14, Chemnitz, Germany)
Jan Wagner
Re: Debian at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2010 (2010-03-13 to -14, Chemnitz, Germany)
Jan Wagner
Re: Debian at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2010 (2010-03-13 to -14, Chemnitz, Germany)
Andreas Tille
Re: Debian at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2010 (2010-03-13 to -14, Chemnitz, Germany)
Ferdinand Thommes
Re: Debian at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2010 (2010-03-13 to -14, Chemnitz, Germany)
Andreas Tille
Re: Debian at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2010 (2010-03-13 to -14, Chemnitz, Germany)
Ferdinand Thommes
Re: Debian at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2010 (2010-03-13 to -14, Chemnitz, Germany)
Andreas Tille
Re: Debian at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2010 (2010-03-13 to -14, Chemnitz, Germany)
Jan Wagner
Re: Debian at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2010 (2010-03-13 to -14, Chemnitz, Germany)
Andreas Tille
Re: Debian at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2010 (2010-03-13 to -14, Chemnitz, Germany)
Axel Beckert
Re: Debian at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2010 (2010-03-13 to -14, Chemnitz, Germany)
Frank Lanitz
Re: Debian at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2010 (2010-03-13 to -14, Chemnitz, Germany)
Bernd Zeimetz
Re: Taiwan Mini DebCamp 2009/12/26-28
Christian PERRIER
FOSDEM 2010, redux
Wouter Verhelst
----- Original Message -----
Agenda for AGM 10 Dec 2009
martin f krafft
Secrets de Santé longtemps gardés, enfin dévoilés !!!
Andre de XANGO
Invitation to the BSP in Mönchengladbach (Germ any), 22-24 January 2010
Bernd Zeimetz
[Future Icon Records] You've been added to our mailing list.
Future Icon Records
Debian@26C3 - chaos communication congress in berlin
Holger Levsen
Gestión y Optimización de Almacenes e Inventarios México D.F.
Lic . Claudia Reyes
Ten Reason to Invest in Iraq
Muhaned Saleh
Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2010 / Chemnitz Linux Days 2010: Debian GNU/Linux [CLT2009/54]
Ronald Schmidt
Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2010 / Chemnitz Linux Days 2010
Ronald Schmidt
Il lui est arrivé quelque chose de terrible
BSP in Munich, Germany, November 28/29th
Michael Banck
OpenRheinRuhr 2009
Alexander Wirt
Fwd: Nordic minidebconf at FSCONS 13-15 November 2009
Per Andersson
Joerg Jaspert
[ FOSDEM 2010: Distribution Miniconf]
Wouter Verhelst
Blitzversand und Top Angebote
Webinar (free sign-up) on Google ranking: Top 10 SEO Tools
Jason McDonald
Re: T-DOSE 2009, stand is geregeld
Geert Stappers
News: l'immigration au Canada
OpenSourceExpo in Karlsruhe
Joachim Breitner
Debian Booths (was: Debian money)
Joey Schulze
linux day 09
Belated BBQ thanks
Steve McIntyre
ceza ödemeyin
Vira Motorlu Araclar
Mask to Protect from H1N1 virus
Come join me on
Visiorichteam Thailand
Debian Village at HAR2009 (was: One week to HAR2009!)
Axel Beckert
[Fwd: 6. Brandenburger Linux-Infotag: Call for Paper]
Meike Reichle