
Op Tue  9 Feb 2010 om 12:14:06 +0100 schreef Holger Levsen:
> On Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> > - Debian wine is a wonderful gadget:

That's documented at http://wiki.debian.org/DebianWine .

> >   it it's feasible, get in touch with
> >   Holger to organize an expedition to sell it there
> $someone

/me raises his hand.

> is fetching some cartons next weekend to take to T-Dose, an upcoming 
> event in the netherlands. 

There'll be some stock in Eindhoven, in the south of The Netherlands, indeed.

> Maybe it's possible to route the wine that way? :)

I will not be at RMLL/LSM.  I _might_ be able to transport from Eindhoven to
Brussels soonish.

So, if someone is willing to transport the wine from Eindhoven to Bordeaux,
contact me;

> Else, the distributor does shipping.



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