Hi there,

a short update on this.

On Tuesday, 22. December 2009, Jan Wagner wrote:
> I requested a booth for the Chemnitzer Linuxtage for Debian today.
> http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/
> 2010-03-13 and -14 in Chemnitz, Germany

Our presentation/booth was accepted.

> The number of people which can be registered for one booth is limited to a
> "reasonable number for the project". If you are (or will be) a speaker then
> you will get your official nametag/free entry and don't need to be added
>  for the booth but you are welcome to help at the booth.

Also free will be food, indoor camping and the entry to the Get-Together-Party 
on saterday night.

> The organisation/information will be done at
> http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEventsChemnitzerLinuxTage2010
> As Noel, who did organize the event traditionally, is not available this
>  time, I'm trying to prepare the event. As I don't have much experience in
>  organizing and primary in maintaing a booth, I would love the get help
>  here, especially after the disappointment[1] last year. So feel free to
>  contact me, that this even can be a success for our project.

Actually I got just an (official) offer by one person to help running the 
booth. Thats too less ... but I hope this will change in the next weeks, when 
hopefully there are more people willing to commit their participation.
Anyways .. beside the lack of people, we lack also material for our booth.

We need:

* network switch and power splitters (I thing I can handle this myself)
* a beamer
* a pc to run babelbox
* info material
* maybe merchandizing
* Lenny cds (do we really need/want them so short before releasing? :)

If you have such resources and can't be at the event itself, you can also send 
this to me and I will take it with me over there. Just contact me.

Thanks for you help, Jan.
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