On Tue, 29 Jun 2004, Joerg Jaspert wrote: > > - The staff from the subprojects were not at the booth all the > > time (but it was much much better than last year), leaving the "normal" > > Debian staff with questions they couldn't answer. > ... > So yes, a time where you are guaranteed to be at the booth again should > be required if you leave, so one can point visitors to such a sign. > Everyone who is really intrested comes back then. I think each subproject should have flyers. I can ask for this requirements as one who had no special flyers for his own subproject. ;-) These flyers could a good help also for booth personal. The idea of asking subprojects for a short description to help booth personal was good but failed because I think most of the booth personal did not read it so carefully to be able to repeat it to visitors.
> > - The showcase, where visitors could see every piece of merchandising > > Which is now ours. Nice. Kind regards Andreas.