Michael Banck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Because we specifically look for something which is (i) official and
> (ii) different from the usual stuff.
>> I think its value of reconnaisance ("Wiederekennungswert" - sry) is
>> higher than the "official official" logo since all of the community
>> projects use and spread word about it.
> The official logo still has the swirl (preferably the usual one, as I
> said before) and if we add 'Debian' as text, it should get recognized
> fairly reliably.

Ok. The Official Logo with the exchanged swirl with the "Debian"
below and nothing on the back. Poloshirt. XXL of course, you small guys
need to get a bit bigger now! :)
Is there anyone against exchanging the Swirl on the Official Logo for this?

The license for the official logo is clear enough, "it may be used for
T-Shirts as long as they are made by a DD and not sold for profit". Me,
no profit, works. :)

>> Additionally a large "debian" maybe with the official logo below on the
>> back would doubtlessly sign the staff wearing them as "the right"
>> representatives to talk to.
> In a perfect world, you face the visitors and don't turn you back on
> them. :)

In a perfect world we would release every 6 month. :)

There is "T-Shirt art from LT 99" on the logos web site:

bye Joerg
Das kannst du vielleicht mir erzaehlen, aber nicht jemanden, der Ahnung hat.

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