Messages by Thread
Debian localgroup meeting July (30.07.2015) in Berlin (E-Lok)
Christian Körner
meeting in Madrid, tomorrow, Thursday
Holger Levsen
Debian booth at DebConf15 Open Weekend and its Merchandise
Michael Banck
Tho to cao Ngan hang ACB lua dao Khach hang
ACB Customer
Para debian-events-eu
Mariana Ferrari
Debian localgroup meeting May (28.05.2015) in Berlin (E-Lok)
Christian Körner
Confirm your Twitter account, Braemar Ormston
Debian at 'TÜBIX', 2015-06-13 in Tübingen
Andreas B. Mundt
Bug Squashing party for Debian and Ubuntu in Oslo, Norway weekend starting 2015-05-30
Alexander Alemayhu
Debian rollup banner?
Christian Körner
debconf streaming tent at cccamp2015
Holger Levsen
Berlin, 2015-05-09 and -12: Linux Presentation Day
martin f krafft
Re: devis dépliants commerciaux
Offset Services
Inviting speakers to DebConf15
Michael Banck
Registration is now open for DebConf15, in Heidelberg, Germany
Giacomo A. Catenazzi
DUCC-IT: Debian Ubuntu Community Conference Italia 2015
Elena ``of Valhalla''
MiniDebConf Bucharest. May 16-17, 2015. Call for Talks
Margarita Manterola
LocalGroups/DebianNordic page on wiki.d.o
Per Andersson
Re: imprimez moins cher !
Impression Services
International Business Forum “SUBF 2015”
International Organization Committee
Conservancy dinner at FOSDEM
Martin Michlmayr
Mini-Debconf in Lyon, France. April 11-12, 2015
Ana Guerrero Lopez
Bug Squashing party for Debian and Ubuntu in Oslo, Norway weekend starting 2015-01-31
Morten Werner Forsbring
Debian localgroup meeting January (29.01.2015) in Berlin (E-Lok)
Christian Körner
Fosdem help?
MENGUAL Jean-Philippe
Re: vos impressions offset
Impression Services
Debian Bug Squashing Party in Salzburg/Austria, April 24-26 2015
Bernd Zeimetz
Tilburg BSP Results (was: Re: Debian Bug Squashing Party in Tilburg, .nl, sat 2014-12-13 - sun 2014-12-14)
Joost van Baal-Ilić
BSP in Switzerland (St-Cergue) - 30 Jan -> 1 Feb 2015
Didier 'OdyX' Raboud
Debian Bug Squashing Party in Tilburg, .nl, sat 2014-12-13 - sun 2014-12-14
Joost van Baal-Ilić
Debian localgroup meeting November in Berlin (E-Lok)
Christian Körner
FOSDEM stand?
Wouter Verhelst
Math foundation
Melissa White
Re: Solicitation for propoganda
Arne Wichmann
Debian at OpenRheinRuhr 2014
Evgeni Golov
Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2015
Jan Dittberner
roll banner at T-DOSE 2014
Geert Stappers
Mini-DebConf in Cambridge, UK - November 6-9 2014
Steve McIntyre
Luke Helmond Demos
Luke Helmond
Debian localgroup meeting July in Berlin
Christian Körner
Link to OpenSource Video Conference - Available
Yehuda Korotkin
[ [FOSDEM] Call for participation: main tracks and developer rooms]
Wouter Verhelst
Video conference - become contributors
Yehuda Korotkin
Confirm your subscription
Woman meet Debian
Yehuda Korotkin
Call for talk submissions
Arne Wichmann
Design Création
Linux Days in Prague 4/5. October
Frank Lanitz
Sonder Woche der Nale Late Orangen (... und kommen mit einem Geschenk)
NaturValencia (Nachrichten aus der Huerta)
Bug Squashing party for Debian and Ubuntu in Oslo, Norway weekend 2014-05-10/11
Petter Reinholdtsen
Jeltema Colomb
Debian localgroup meeting March in Berlin
Christian Körner
in Leipzig March 1-6
Jonas Smedegaard
[ [RMLL/LSM] - CfP 2014]
Andreas Tille
Tryd 3, Chegou a Nova Versão da Melhor Plataforma de Negociação do Mercado.
UltimoInstante Publicidade
Come una piuma
Daria Ceriani
Debian Bug Squashing Party in Salzburg/Austria - 25-27 April 2014
Bernd Zeimetz
MiniDebConf in Barcelona - March 15 & 16 2014
Margarita Manterola
Debian BBQ, 2nd-3rd August in Cambridge
Steve McIntyre
Apple-id aus Sicherheitsgründen deaktiviert!
Один месяц работы и ты на новеньком Chevrolet Niva
Pelageya Shushmina
Debian Med Sprint in Stonehaven neer Aberdeen
Andreas Tille
Debian localgroup meeting 30.01. in Berlin
Christian Körner
Debian @ LinuxTag 2014-05, Berlin, Germany
W. Martin Borgert
Re: Debian @ LinuxTag 2014-05, Berlin, Germany
Christian Körner
Re: Debian @ LinuxTag 2014-05, Berlin, Germany
Christian Körner
Re: Debian @ LinuxTag 2014-05, Berlin, Germany
Mika Pflüger
Re: Debian @ LinuxTag 2014-05, Berlin, Germany
Ferdinand Thommes
Re: Debian @ LinuxTag 2014-05, Berlin, Germany
Ferdinand Thommes
Re: Debian @ LinuxTag 2014-05, Berlin, Germany
Christian Körner
Re: Debian @ LinuxTag 2014-05, Berlin, Germany
Martin Michlmayr
Re: RFH: logcheck
Jonathan Wiltshire
- for FOSDEM?
Thorsten Glaser
Lymboo Math for 2013-2014 school year
Melissa White
[ Call for participation: Linux day in Augsburg, Germany]
Arne Wichmann
Re: The Debian Events Box needs a new home
Arne Wichmann
Call for participation: LVEE Winter 2014 near Minsk, Belarus
Viktar Siarheichyk
fosdem, sat feb 1 & sun feb 2, 2014, brussels, .be (was: Re: Your stand proposal for Debian has been accepted)
Joost van Baal-Ilić
Re: fosdem, sat feb 1 & sun feb 2, 2014, brussels, .be (was: Re: Your stand proposal for Debian has been accepted)
Holger Levsen
Re: fosdem, sat feb 1 & sun feb 2, 2014, brussels, .be (was: Re: Your stand proposal for Debian has been accepted)
Ghislain Vaillant
Re: fosdem, sat feb 1 & sun feb 2, 2014, brussels, .be (was: Re: Your stand proposal for Debian has been accepted)
Holger Levsen
Re: fosdem, sat feb 1 & sun feb 2, 2014, brussels, .be (was: Re: Your stand proposal for Debian has been accepted)
Arne Wichmann
Draft schedule of the Parisian Mini Debconf
Sylvestre Ledru
MiniDebConf 2014 Barcelona Call for Proposals
Mònica Ramírez Arceda
Call for participation: Linux day in Augsburg, Germany
Ingo Blechschmidt
debian banner / stuff at 30c3
Holger Levsen
Re: Safe Community Conference in Arusha, Tanzania
Arne Wichmann
FOSDEM 2014 distributions developers' room
Wouter Verhelst
More information please
Kristos Michalis
Debian localgroup meeting November in Berlin
Christian Körner
Debian-Hacktag am Sa 14.12.2013 bei tarent in Bonn
Thorsten Glaser
Mini Debconf in Paris - January 18 & 19th 2014
Sylvestre Ledru
Debian Booth for Chemnitzer-Linux-Tage 2014
Jan Dittberner
Debian meeting in cbase (Berlin) today
Holger Levsen
Mini-Debconf in Cambridge, UK - November 14-17 2013 - update
Steve McIntyre
Announcing the new Debian Poznań local group
Laszlo Kajan
Fwd: [FOSDEM] Call for participation: lightning talks and stands
Wouter Verhelst
Re: 2x Vortragsvorschlaege fuer - Debian-Stand
Arne Wichmann
Debian localgroup meeting - Berlin
Christian Körner
Bug Squashing party for Debian and Ubuntu in Oslo, Norway weekend 2013-10-12/13
Christian Körner
Mailingliste für eine mögliche DebConf15 in Deutschland
martin f krafft
Aufnahme Event-Liste
Mini-Debconf in Cambridge, UK - November 14-17 2013
Steve McIntyre
[ Open Source Backup Conference in Cologne]
Arne Wichmann
Freight forwarder & logistics provider shared an album with you.
Freight forwarder & logistics provider
Now delivering door hangers to 150,000 houses in Toronto, Hamilton, Durham, Aurora and more...
Gta Flyer
“Beer” in Leipzig tomorrow
Joachim Breitner
German-Language Wheezy DVDs for booths, installparties etc. available
Mika Pflüger
Save up to 72% on Belts & Ties from D&G, Valentino, Dior and more!
Fairphone | A seriously cool smartphone. Putting social values first.
Geert Stappers
Minutes of the AGM 2013
Gaudenz Steinlin
Debian booth at FrOSCon
Christoph Egger
Debian BBQ, 24th-26th August in Cambridge
Steve McIntyre