Christoph Siess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well buying stuff ourself might be a lot cheaper. Catering was great
> last year... (where some Debian People bought some food)

As this is the main thing I heard we do it this way.

> T-Shirt or, what i prefer, some sort of polo shirt. It might be good to
> "mark" this shirts with some sort of "Debian Staff" writing on them,
> otherwise booth people wouldn't differ from normal Debian guys.

Looks like Polo Shirts are preferred. Now we need something to put on
One Suggestion is a Swirl on the front, nothing else. I would prefer
something on the back too. A motiv not everyone has there, and a single
swirl is widely used IMO. :)

>> What do you think about "Name badges" of metal this year?
> If we can afford them - why not :), the usual plastic badges would also
> do fine.

I think we can.

bye Joerg
Die dümmsten Hähne haben die dicksten Eier.

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