Scavenging the mail folder uncovered Siggy Brentrup's letter:
> There should be one for the main distribution. Assume I want to go
> into the CD business providing support for packages in the main
> dist. No major problem with most of the packages, but I am not willing
> to support packages with philosophical, political or religious
> contents.
> The way it is, I can't say "Support for all of Debian's main dist".
> My point is, should there be subjective stuff in the main dist?

I don't know the answer but having non-doc (in the sense of
non-application-that-is-in-main-doc) stuff is bad. What if I package
the 3 CD set of US maps that is publicy available? That is about 1.8Gb
of sources plus 1.8Gb of .debs for about 3.6Gb of ftp space... and
nobody can tell me don't do that!

What about having Debian be an OS+apps and have SPI found a *new*
association for the distribution of free *data*? The data can even use
.deb format, but Debian/doc is definitely the wrong place for
religious/political/etc stuff. IMHO!


Federico Di Gregorio [] {Friend of Penguins}
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