Sorry to sort of butt in here again, but maybe a committed Debian
user's perspective would be helpful...

On 09/26/99 at 11:55:09, Craig Sanders wrote concerning "Re: 
> > One approach which has been suggested is to make extra cds by section.
> > So a data CD could include the bible, anarchy FAQ etc. Perhaps at some
> > point there will be a ham radio cd, electronics cd etc. This has the
> > advantage of being infinitely extensible but I worry that it narrows
> > the scope of Debian for the general user as most CD vendors especially
> > the cheap ones will probably not bother with the extra CDs.
> actually, it would increase the scope of debian as a general purpose
> distribution - there would be something in it for everyone.
> if we get to the point of having specialty CDs then those who want them
> will be able to purchase them from specialty vendors or download the
> packages for free from the net.

Exactly.  In fact, with apt maturing the way it is, Debian has
discrete advantages in this area over other distributions.  We don't
*need* all those document packages to make Debian work, so having them
on CD is unnecessary for anyone on the internet.  Also, most folks
will not install the whole collection of document packages.  Frankly,
I'd be surprised if any non-developer installed over half of them.  So
why force them all onto an additional CD that will probably just
collect dust?  As long as the archive is apt-able over the internet,
the few documents the average user needs will be within easy reach.
For the rest, there are specialty CDs.

Of course, I'm guessing about users' needs and internet access here.
Feel free to prove me wrong.


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