On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Raul Miller wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 27, 1999 at 11:46:39AM +0200, Siggy Brentrup wrote:
> > Is it really censoring to keep all non-technical packages out of main?
> > I don't say don't package it nor don't make it available.
> Maybe it's time to fork off an independent documentation project?
> We'd need to provide them a stable interface (probably just debhelper
> and a basic template) for package construction.

Why even involve debhelper?  At least in the case of the Project Gutenberg
files some of which I have, they are just long ascii files so the rules
file could just stick them into (for example) /usr/share/doc/etexts call
doc-base and be done with it.  AFAIK all the project Gutenberg files are
public domain so one generic fill in the blanks copyright file would
suffice.  Voila you almost instantly have 2000 works containing more than
a gig of text.

I'd buy  such a CD if it were offered.  And I know plenty of people who
would too.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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