On Wed, Mar 12, 2025 at 11:35:16AM +0100, Julien Plissonneau Duquène wrote:
Le 2025-03-12 03:03, Dirk Lehmann a écrit :
As I understand your question about a general workflow of translations
in all your email-cases correct, I think the short answer maybe to use
`quilt` to patch the .PO files instead of committing them directly via
Git. Also consider `gbp-pq`, could be useful, but not sure.
Thank you for the time you took to write this reply. However Mark did
not explicitly mention that fact, but he was talking about the
`adduser` package which is a (Debian) native package, which means
there is no further "upstream" and thus there is no reason to use
quilt and patch queues in this case (that would only further
complicate things).
Thank you for setting this straight. In fact, when I receive updated
message texts or translations for programs that have an active upstream
(such as sudo), I usually encourage the translator to send the
translation upstream so that all users of this program benefit from the
improved translation. In rare cases, I do the forwarding myself, but I
would never^wthink three times before patching an upstraem translation
in the Debian source.
Marc Haber | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Leimen, Germany | lose things." Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 6224 1600402
Nordisch by Nature | How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 6224 1600421