On 07/01/25 at 11:53 +0100, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote:
> * Raphael Hertzog <hert...@debian.org> [250107 08:39]:
> > 1/ https://salsa.debian.org/dep-team/deps/-/merge_requests/9
> > (see mr9.patch attached if you don't want to look up on the web)
> > 
> > We had a couple of revisions already and it seems fine to me to merge
> > this, if anyone has valid objections (i.e. with good rationale), now is
> > the time to raise them. You might want to look the closed comments
> > on the above merge request to see whether your concerns have been
> > discussed already.
> > 
> > This change basically adds the recommendation to use "upstreamvcs" as the
> > name of the "git remote" to access the upstream repository and it also
> > documents the possibility to merge the upstream commits in the
> > "upstream/latest" branch (as proposed by gbp import-orig
> > --upstream-vcs-tag) when your workflow is to import the upstream tarball.
> The name for the remote could easily have been "upstream" like
> various packages are already set up and documented today. But
> apparently gbp picked the IMO unwieldly name in the meantime?
> Meh. But what's done is done, I guess. We'll see who will adopt that
> name.

Maybe before moving it to ACCEPTED, it would be useful to design a
dashboard of some kind to track adoption, not just in tooling, but in
actual packages?

This could probably be built as an extension to vcswatch.


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