On 08/01/25 06:31, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
This change basically adds the recommendation to use "upstreamvcs" as the
name of the "git remote" to access the upstream repository and it also
documents the possibility to merge the upstream commits in the
"upstream/latest" branch (as proposed by gbp import-orig
--upstream-vcs-tag) when your workflow is to import the upstream tarball.
The name for the remote could easily have been "upstream" like
various packages are already set up and documented today. But
apparently gbp picked the IMO unwieldly name in the meantime?
Meh. But what's done is done, I guess. We'll see who will adopt that
This is what git-buildpackage already has. Nothing stops people from
suggesting other names. I remember Guido mentioning at one point he is
open to change it or to make it configurable.
Personally I feel that just picking a reasonably good name and
sticking to it for now is the best return on investment for Debian.
The 'upstreamvcs' is reasonably good and unambiguous on what it means,
and it won't get mixed up with `upstream/*` tag names.
Maybe I'm missing something, but why is the name of the upstream remote
such a big deal?
The names of the remotes are limited to the local repository and git
allows for multiple remotes pointing to the same URL. Everybody can keep
their favorite remote names and add one extra `upstreamvcs` remote.
One can simply state: "some scripts need to know the name of the remote.
Make sure that the upstreamvcs remote exists or configure another name
in gbp.conf [when this option will exist]".
Personally, I use the following scheme for remotes. For repos on salsa,
I name the remote after the user/team name. For repos on GitHub I name
them "{user}-gh", for those on freedesktop "{user}-fd" and so on.
A few examples:
* https://salsa.debian.org/utopia-team/avahi.git ⇒ utopia-team
* g...@salsa.debian.org:gioele/avahi.git ⇒ gioele
* https://github.com/avahi/avahi.git ⇒ avahi-gh
Becoming DEP-14 compatible would be a matter of typing once `git remote
add upstreamvcs https://github.com/avahi/avahi.git`. Or (once the gbp
option will exist) adding "upstream-remote = avahi-gh" to gbp.conf.
Gioele Barabucci