On Wednesday, December 4, 2024 10:30:34 AM MST Andreas Tille wrote:
> Am Mon, Dec 02, 2024 at 06:15:22PM -0700 schrieb Soren Stoutner:
> > I think one of the best things we could do to attract new contributors, 
> > to encourage those who are currently Sponsored Maintainers to become 
> > Maintainers, and those who are current Debian Maintainers to become Debian
> > Developers would be to create an official DPL Mentors Delegation.  This
> > would build on the excellent work Phil Wyett is currently doing as the
> > unofficial Mentors Triage.
> Speaking both with and without my DPL hat, I don't think a delegation is
> necessary. Instead, I would prefer to establish a way to direct sponsees
> to the appropriate team for their package. From my experience, the teams
> I work with are quite effective at sponsoring packages that fit their
> scope and are maintained within the team's Git repository. I believe
> that ensuring a package fits properly into a team is a key prerequisite
> for a good sponsor-sponsee relationship.
> When I was regularly monitoring ITPs, I noticed that newcomers often
> struggle to "find friends" (i.e., sponsors). In my opinion, what we need
> is someone to guide sponsees to the appropriate team, Salsa group, or
> similar space. This role doesn't require a delegation since it doesn't
> involve authority, but rather a deep understanding of Debian's structure
> and workflows.

I have directed several RFS (Request For Sponsor) towards appropriate teams, 
when then exist.  However, my personal experience is that the majority of RFS 
that come into Debian Mentors do not fit neatly into any existing team.

Soren Stoutner

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