On Sat, 08 Jun 2024 07:25:49 +0000, Laszlo Merenyi
<meren...@protonmail.com> wrote:
>I was able to make sudo (and visudo) executable working on this CPU, by 
>recompiling the sudo-1.9.15p5 source code package on the target with manually 
>removed "-fcf_protection" hardening option.
>I did not yet met any other program in Bookworm's i386 release having similar 
>"illegal instruction" issue. So, by using a recompiled sudo, Bookworm seems to 
>work on Vortex86DX3.

I am part of the sudo maintainer team in Debian. Sudo is a security
relevant software, and in the team we decided that it is more
important to have a maximally hardened binary than to run on hardware
that doesnt have official support.

I'd rather not weaken sudo security for all over supporting a tiny
part of the hardware base. Also, the bug is a toolchain topic in my
opinion, sudo is just a user of the problematic toolchain features.

I'm open for arguments though. Please also see #1043281 which has most
of the technical points there.

Marc Haber         |   " Questions are the         | Mailadresse im Header
Rhein-Neckar, DE   |     Beginning of Wisdom "     | 
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