Hello Simon,

On Wed 18 Aug 2021 at 10:10AM +02, Simon Josefsson wrote:

> 1) Trust paths.  Some upstreams sign release tarballs with an OpenPGP
> release key that Debian trust for making releases.  Not all upstream
> uses the same key to sign VCS tags/commits, and not all upstreams sign
> VCS tags/commits at all.  While Debian can encourage and promote new
> policies for upstream here, I don't think we are in a position to
> require any uniform set of rules.  Signing tarballs is the current
> established best practice -- moving to VCS builds needs a set of new
> schemes to be established and deployed, and I don't see any single
> universal solution today.

From my point of view, signing git tags is no less well established a
best practice than signing tarballs -- in fact, to me, it seems *more*
well established.  Of course, that's based on the kinds of upstreams I
find myself interacting with, based on the package maintainance work I
tend to be involved in.  I don't mean to deny that it looks the other
way around from other points of view.  But I think either of us would be
mistaken to take one of them to be more standard, at this point.

Sean Whitton

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