Paul Wise <> writes:

> Hi all,
> I noticed that sometimes Debian's choice of upstream source for
> packaging can be suboptimal. This is especially apparent for the
> different per-language upstream packaging ecosystems[1], where the
> upstream packaging differs from the upstream VCS in some significant
> ways, including missing files, prebuilt files, embedded copies etc.
> While the upstream VCS also sometimes has these issues, it is often
> much less problematic than the upstream packaging ecosystems.

While I agree with the points you raise, and think I agree with your
overall goal, I see some problems with using upstream VCS as a source
for Debian packaging:

1) Trust paths.  Some upstreams sign release tarballs with an OpenPGP
release key that Debian trust for making releases.  Not all upstream
uses the same key to sign VCS tags/commits, and not all upstreams sign
VCS tags/commits at all.  While Debian can encourage and promote new
policies for upstream here, I don't think we are in a position to
require any uniform set of rules.  Signing tarballs is the current
established best practice -- moving to VCS builds needs a set of new
schemes to be established and deployed, and I don't see any single
universal solution today.

2) Bootstrapping projects from VCS is complex and requires additional
tools, and I think the Debian packaging process is well suited for this.
Two examples that I have run into:

  2a) Gnulib.  Several GNU-related projects import files from gnulib
  during VCS bootstrapping, and the way this happens is different for
  different projects.  The correct version of the files must be imported
  in the right way for things to work, and knowledge of which gnulib
  version is used is not always present in VCS but only in a released
  tarball.  How would this work when packaged in Debian?  A debian
  package containing the gnulib git repository could be added, to allow
  source packages to checkout the right version during build.

  2b) Cross-compilation and dependency cycles.  Bootstrapping from VCS
  may require a lot of tools that are optional when building from
  tarball, and in my experience the complete set of tools to bootstrap a
  project is rarely added as Build-Dep to Debian packages.  I feel some
  additional package build dependency mechanism would help here: maybe a
  Build-Bootstrap-Dep header to list the tools needed to generate a
  Debian source package?  And Build-Dep could list the tools needed to
  build Debian binary packages from the Debian source package.  I admit
  my understanding of the Debian packaging system is quite limited

3) Bootstrappable builds.  I think the underlying goal when it comes to
building from VCS may be to achieve bootstrappable builds -- see -- however it seems to me that a lot of
care has to be taken when moving from tarball builds to VCS builds so we
don't make it harder to re-bootstrap the entire toolchain.  For example,
building GNU Coreutils from a tarball works fine in extremely old
environments, but building GNU Coreutils from VCS requires modern tools,
and perhaps some of them doesn't support older environments any more.


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