On Tue, 17 Aug 2021 15:52:27 +0200, Jonas Smedegaard <jo...@jones.dk>
>Quoting Simon Richter (2021-08-17 14:17:05)
>> Rather than accept defeat, I'd like Debian to push upstreams more 
>> aggressively for higher quality releases, and also to make judgement 
>> calls on whether a particular package is even suitable for a stable 
>> release instead of assuming that by default.
>> For a package to be included in Debian, it must be possible to 
>> maintain it.
>> Part of being a maintainer is to communicate our needs to upstream, 
>> and work with them on solutions.
>Well said!
>All of it, not only above highlighed snippets.

I do mostly agree with that, but we also need to take into account
that people usually don#t want explanation, they want what they want
to work without hassle, and that they'll readily ditch Debian in favor
or some other distribution that claims to be more easy to use.

There is, for example, one distribution that is based on Ubuntu (maybe
they thought that ubuntu would be too hard to install) and does not
support upgrades. Their FAQ says "we cannot support upgrades because
we're based on Debian which doesnt support upgrades".

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