previously on this list Helmut Grohne contributed:

> > It's just occurred to me that the binary format may not work with append
> > only logging?  
> That's true for the journal. When the journal opens its binary log, it
> flags the file as being opened, but what is the issue with not being
> append only?

I like to use the kernel to enforce append only on certain log files so
that they can't be tampered without finding a kernel exploit or
rebooting. Your right in that it does mean you can't compress but I
find logs are small on modern disks.

I do it all the time on OpenBSD with schg backed up by it's ace
critical bug free kernel and have done so on Linux with chattr -a mixed
with another trick that I forget right now though I believe it can be
done with RBACs like grsecurities or SELinux.

> > Also recovering those logs from a possibly intentionally
> > uncompletely wiped disk would be much harder especially on an ext3/ext4
> > filesystem where carving is required when otherwise you could image or
> > ddrescue in case of hardware failure and use grep.  
> I have not tried, but I imagine it not being that much harder for the
> following reasons:
> If your journal is compressed, you basically lose, but that is true for
> compressed text logs as well. So if you need this recovery scenario,
> don't compress.
> If your journal is uncompressed, you can exploit aspects of the format
> to find the log. Specifically, log entry consists of key-value pairs,
> most of which likely match /\(_SYSTEMD_[A-Z_]*\|MESSAGE\)=.*/. Another

True and fair enough, though can you read partial fragments from a
journal or does it need the whole thing or complete chunks recovered.

Anyway it's not like I have ever needed to do this but it's good to
know you can and for the same reason I save my odt files as text
occasionally when writing them as a more reliable format and advise
others to do so.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

In Other Words - Don't design like polkit or systemd

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