On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 06:50:00AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Be sure that somebody looks at new bugs.
> As days pass, the test conditions in the report e.g., URLs, deteriorate.
> As weeks pass, the user may have removed the package for another.
> As months pass, the user may no longer be working on related projects.
> As years pass, the user himself might have passed... away.
> So strike while the iron is hot, be sure to look at new bugs as they
> come in. This is where you can focus scarce recourses.
> Also detect when an old bug got a new mail sent to it,
> and treat it like a new bug as above.
> Be sure to look at a bug at least once before asking the user to reproduce it 
> a
> second time.
> Regarding bug black hole packages, users should still report bugs they find.

Many of us don't have time to do this. Even those brave and much
appreciated souls who take the time to look at the bug initially and make
sure it's filled out as well as possible don't have the time (or often the
ability) to go back and reproduce the hundreds of bugs that are possibly
system- or configuration-dependent. Relying on the submitter to do some
labor to make sure that their bug is fixed is not too much to ask. 

I know you're particularly fond of filing bugs en masse and then not doing
any work to follow up on them yourself, but to be frank I think your
attitude in this sucks. If you put forth a lot of that effort in to
actually fixing the bug yourself then everyone, including yourself, would

 - David Nusinow

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