>   Some people really like mentoring and training others and find that
>   immediately rewarding.  Those people are wonderful and deserve all the
>   praise we can give them.  For the rest of us, I think it's often a lot
>   to expect of people.  That sort of training is in many respects
>   significantly harder than all the rest of what one does as a DD.  It can
>   be a lot of fun with just the right person and a great match of
>   personalities, but on a comprehensive, project-wide basis, you can't
>   rely on that match happening.  In a workplace, you simply have to make
>   training happen even if it isn't loads of fun for both people.  It's
>   much harder to do that as part of a volunteer project.

Do you think that there is a chance we find a group of people who really like
mentoring/training others? If so, we could maybe set up kind of a bug-frontdesk
taking over _all_ new bug reports for a moment and checking them for a the bit
of information that seems crucial to fix/reproduce the bug.

Well, just another idea.

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