On 16 Mar 2006, Alexis Sukrieh uttered the following:

> I don't beleive feeding this thread more will fix anything regarding
> the "Sven social issue".
> What about killing this thread now? 
> Let's stop wasting our time and energy now, and go back to work,
> shall we?

        The issue is whether or not one can go back to work, as you so
 puerilely suggest, if the project takes no action against practices
 that (to paraphrase aj) "suck the fun out of working for
 Debian". While I understand that expulsion procedures may also fall
 under the same category, just brushing the problems under the carpet
 and singing koombayah is not really a viable solution either.

        So, if you have nothing to contribute to solving the very real
 issues that have been brought up in this thread, could you please
 consider at least not raising the noise to signal ratio?


I put up my thumb... and it blotted out the planet Earth. Neil
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