On 06/12/2004 Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> > in my eyes there shouldn't be any tolerance for intolerance, as you
> > woun't get respect in return. rather your tolerance will be
> > exploited.
>       Right. I am not about to go about tolerating people who are
>  intolerant of artr, jsut because it celebrates the naked human body. 

right, this is finally not the problem i meant when using the
expression 'sexism'.
if we really want a result in this discussion, we should start with
differentiate between symptoms and causes.

the celebration of naked human bodies is definitely not sexism itself,
the latent discrimination of women in the society is sexism. anyway all
these topics are connected in most societies, as most societies on earth
accept (and go on with) partiarchy.

objections against the hot-babe package are only a cause of this problem ...


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