Il giorno lun, 06-12-2004 alle 01:49 +0000, Andrew Suffield ha scritto:
> Word games. Censorship is when a citizen of one body chooses to have
> that body distribute something (by being a citizen and distributing
> it), and another citizen tries to stop them.

This is not the case: one member of a community chooses to do something
on which community doesn't agree. So community decides to not follow his
member and *let him do what he wants by his own*. Debian should not do
everything a single developer wants to do; as a community we have to
find a general consensus on our policy.

If we think that some action (like packaging sexist material) is
offensive for out principles (yes, me may have more principles other
free software) we can decide to try to  stop that action. Debian is a
community not just a set of independent members (at least this is what
i'll like it to be)

my just 2 cents for my very first post :-)

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