On Mon, May 19, 2003 at 07:21:51AM +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote: > On Sun, 18 May 2003, Denis Barbier wrote: > > > [All Cc's removed] > > > > On Sat, May 17, 2003 at 07:54:55AM +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote: > > [...] > > > I don't believe that there is not an estestic layout that can satisfy > > > all the languages we have in Debian. > > > > What is the rationale for having a single layout for all languages? > > since we are talking about estetic,
IMO it is more a readability issue. We French speaking people are not used to these very long sentences, so we find them harder to parse. Here is another example taken from debconf templates, see: http://ftp-master.debian.org/~barbier/l10n/material/templates/unstable/main/w/wdm/wdm_1.22.1-2_debian_wdm.templates.fr.gz In French, parenthesis are put around parts of sentences, not whole sentences. So the last French paragraph has to be rewritten to remove these parenthesis. I do not know whether English text is right or not, so I won't file a bug against original, but will fix the French translation. > i believe that it looks nicer keeping the layout coherent across > translation. But you do not explain why! Translations are not displayed together with original text, so imposing a similar layout (I keep this term for simplicity even if I find it meaningless) does not make sense. > > How do developers check how translations are rendered? > > sorry but i don't understand what you mean. [...] I am wondering how you checked that the Japanese translation did fit your aesthetic criterion. Denis