2017-07-28 14:27 GMT+08:00 Boyuan Yang <073p...@gmail.com>:
> 2017-07-28 14:15 GMT+08:00 Yubin Ruan <ablacktsh...@gmail.com>:
>> 2017-07-28 12:36 GMT+08:00 Shane Martin Coughlan <cough...@linux.com>:
>>> Hi Yubin
>>> Top post! I think this is perfect to start. Let’s proceed with this.
>>> (1) I will add this to the OpenChain website. After Boyuan or another 
>>> native speaker confirms, I will change it from “unofficial” to “official” 
>>> translation for OpenChain
>>> (2) Please let me know where and how I should send the 100 USD marketing 
>>> budget we had for this item :)
>> I don't think that is necessary. Friends ;-)
>> But, you can donate half of that to debian.cn, which is a website for
>> Debian Chinese users. Boyuan is the maintainer of this website.
> Please don't do that. Please note that I am not the owner nor the
> contributor of debian.cn, which
> is a third-party website not directly related to Debian Project.
> Please directly donate the money the Debian Project [1] since Chinese
> Debian contributors work
> as part of the Debian.
> Besides that, I am willing to review any translation for your project.
> Please send me the texts in some
> appropriate format and I will review it in my recent spare time.
> [1] https://www.debian.org/donations

I agree with that.

