Hi Yubin

Top post! I think this is perfect to start. Let’s proceed with this.

(1) I will add this to the OpenChain website. After Boyuan or another native 
speaker confirms, I will change it from “unofficial” to “official” translation 
for OpenChain
(2) Please let me know where and how I should send the 100 USD marketing budget 
we had for this item :)



> On Jul 28, 2017, at 12:39 , Yubin Ruan <ablacktsh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Jul 27, 2017, at 22:03 , Yubin Ruan <ablacktsh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> 1. the word "on-boarding". Basically I understand what it means
>>> (recruitment, or call-for-participation), but I don't know how to
>>> translate that into Chinese.
>> Perhaps “executive summary” is a good alternative?
> I don't think "executive summary" is good enough. I prefer to use the
> word "项目简介", which mean "project introduction" in English. That is
> commonly use in many kinds of Chinese documents.
>>> 2. the word "OpenChain Conformance". I don't know how to translate
>>> that perfectly, so right now I will leave it as is. Others can make
>>> good suggestions in this list, if any. If nobody make any suggestion,
>>> maybe you can accept a not-so-good translation?
>> Maybe just "OpenChain Conformance” left as a term in English, or not-so-good 
>> translation is fine. 一致性 is the machine translation of conformance but… I 
>> have no idea.
> "一致性" is great. I would use that. But, I have re-phrase that to
> something like "conformance certification", to make it more natural in
> Chinese.
>>> 3. You use the word "organizations" in many places, and I translate
>>> most of that into "open source organizations", is that OK?
>> I think it is better to stay “organizations” because we want all companies, 
>> not only open source, to consider using this.
> Understand. Now I change the translation to something like "different
> kinds of organizations", because the word "organization" only is a
> little big in Chinese and it is also a verb. So, "different kinds of
> organizations" would mean the same things but at the same time adhere
> to the context (it make sentences more understandable).
> And also, I guess, by "project", you do not only mean "open source
> project", but also "different kinds of projects"? I change that
> accordingly.
>>> 4. In paragraph "OpenChain Specification", you write: "...The main
>>> goal of organizations using the OpenChain Specification is to become
>>> conformant. This means that their organization meets the requirements
>>> of a certain version of the OpenChain Specification...". I don't
>>> really understand the logic behind this, so my translation might not
>>> reflect your meanings exactly. Can you explain that or re-phrase that
>>> a little bit?
>> I will try to rephrase.
>> The goal is for organizations to meet the requirements of the OpenChain 
>> Specification. Different versions of the OpenChain Specification may have 
>> different requirements. Organizations try to meet the requirements of their 
>> selected version.
> I have change the translation accordingly.
> Please find attached the refined .docx and .pdf. If you agree to my
> changes above, then these shall be the final translation.
> Regards,
> Yubin
> <OpenChain On-Boarding 1.0 Beta - Chinese.pdf><OpenChain On-Boarding 1.0 Beta 
> - Chinese.docx>
