On Tue, May 02, 2017 at 09:47:01PM +0800, Boyuan Yang wrote:
> Sure. I'll start the work after Stretch release so it won't be that urgent.
> BTW There's a potential big problem with experimental fonts-noto-cjk:
> fontconfig postinst trigger (fc-cache regeneration) would take even more time 
> to generate cache for **both** sans and serif fonts and freeze the computer. 
> Splitting binary packages might be a better choice.

I think this is unavoidable for such a big fonts like Noto Sans/Serif
CJK. We already has issue about freeze the computer even without Serif
fonts (#84505).

Even with splitted packages, user still feels freeze when doing upgrade,
so I think splitting due to freeze might not be a good idea.

> 在 2017年5月2日星期二 CST 下午5:44:46,Tong Hui 写道:
> > 从我个人的使用来看,目前已经没有依赖文泉驿字体的软件包了,之前发现某一个 WINE 的软件还在依赖,但是可以很容易修改。
> 很遗憾依赖的软件还是有的:
> % apt rdepends fonts-wqy-zenhei
> fonts-wqy-zenhei
> Reverse Depends:
>   依赖: ttf-wqy-zenhei
>   推荐: education-lang-zh-tw-desktop
>   依赖: megaglest
>   依赖: mediawiki2latex
>   推荐: task-chinese-t-desktop
>   推荐: task-chinese-s-desktop
>   依赖: megaglest
> -> % apt rdepends fonts-wqy-microhei
> fonts-wqy-microhei
> Reverse Depends:
>   依赖: ttf-wqy-microhei
>   推荐: education-lang-zh-tw-desktop
>   推荐: manaplus-data
>   依赖: widelands
>   推荐: task-chinese-t-desktop
>   推荐: task-chinese-s-desktop
>   建议: neverball-common
>   依赖: marsshooter
>   推荐: manaplus-data

It looks like we can do some cleanup for them. Maybe after Stretch?

> > 同时也希望基于 GPLv3 的 Fandol 系列字体可以被系统使用,这样加入了思源系列和 Fandol 系列中文字体以后,很多用 Latex
> > 写论文的朋友就不需要从 Windows 下面再转移字体了。
> 这个问题可能会比较大。我对 Debian 字体方面的政策不是很熟悉, texlive 的字体是否能为系统 fontconfig 所用,
> 又该如何使用,这个我还没研究过也没听说过先例,重新打包一份又会导致重复。另外字体是否需要从源代码开始
> 构建也不清楚(思源黑体并没有从源代码开始构建,也许这个违背了 Debian Policy 也说不定)。

I think one solution is to split the font from texlive-lang-chinese, and
use soft link to put it in properly location so that fontconfig can use

As for fonts-noto-cjk, Google does not provide anything other than font
files themselves. So the font files is the only file format we have, and
they are the preferable source format for source package.

ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) czchen@{czchen,debian}.org
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