X-Debbugs-Cc: k...@debian.org

> It seems that fixing gtk-set-font is not enough, need to reboot
> /sbin/debian-installer (or something), but it causes flickering
> (blackout) and
> need to re-process localechooser (select language again)
> It might be annoying.
> How should I terminate them correctly?

As a PoC, I've created the following MRs.
It works even though it is ad-hoc/ugly way, but 
I felt that there is
more better alternative way to fix this issue
if I had a knowledge about d-i internals. :-<

[1] Generate fake font cache for compressed fonts

[2] Use compressed font for Japanese

[3] Change default font to MotoyaLCedar for Japanese

[4] Restart and control language selection for Japanese

I've also uploaded PoC iso image here.


Any feedback are welcome.


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