
Sotirios Vrachas <sotir...@vrachas.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> > So I assume the problem is only on the Greek side, no action needed
> > on the English side, right?
> More of standardization issue, if it can be considered an issue at all.
> For example, do we translate "Bootloader"? The strings that need
> translation in Greek are the new strings introduced to the installer
> from the GRUB EFI Bootloader. What I did for Level 1 Sublevel 1 was to
> follow the existing paradigm and translate everything except names made
> with initials. This means translating "Bootloader" to Greek.

Ok, I got your point. I am translator for German, too. 
So I am aware of this general issue. 
However, it's in the hand of the translator to control, what to translate
and what to leave untranslated.
It has often been a point of discussion, what parts to translate and which
I personally follow the general rule, that I often don't translate 
_technical_terms_. However, then we had discussions like "what is technical" 
and what is not. 
So there is still room for interpretation by translators' feelings :-)

"Bootloader" is left untranslated in German, for example.

Feel free to do changings regarding that.


Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
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