Hello, Thanks to everyone for today's bid review meeting.
The meeting log is available at: http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2020/debconf-team.2020-01-30-17.59.log.html The notes, including neeeded actions from the bids, are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2020/debconf-team.2020-01-30-17.59.txt By the end of the meeting, it was noted that each bid has a significant weakness on which they should work, and provide a solution to the wider DebConf team. Those are: India: we need a more concrete proposal of a date (within half of a month, i.e. first half of <MONTH>; doesn't need to be precise to the exact days), and locations (i.e. what venues would be used for what exactly esp. hacklabs and space for frontdesk and the videoteam). Kosovo: so far we have the impression that the Kosovo bid is made by a one-person team with limited support by others. We need some assurance that there is an actual team behind it. Portugal: there is uncertainty about the venue costs, and the commitment from the university needs to be re-insured with the IT management. The teams have 2 weeks to provide a solution to these points. Please talk to us via IRC at #debconf-team and/or by email. The deadline is Wednesday, February 12th, 18:00 UTC. At that deadline, the DebConf Committee will meet to discuss and vote on the bids.
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