Dear DebConf21 bid teams,

on behalf of the DebConf committee I would like to invite you to a public review meeting of the running bids for DebConf21

on Wednesday, Jan 15, 2020 18:00 - 19:30 UTC
in #debconf-team (OFTC IRC).

The bids for DebConf21 are:
Kochi (India)     ...
Lisbon (Portugal) ...
Priština (Kosovo) ...

Please make sure to ask your fellow team members to attend as well.

Kindly prepare a ~5 line introduction to your bid. Please identify your bid's strengths and - if you see any major open issues - name them, too.

As said in the last email consider filling the location checklist as per
on a Debian wiki page. This makes your bids easier to compare.

Every DebConf team member is kindly invited to join the meeting, review the bids and ask questions.

As a heads-up: We will likely call for a second review meeting a week or two later. This one will then focus on the issues identified during the first review meeting (or forwarded to you by email) only. Shortly after we hope to be able to announce a winning bid and invite that team to DebConf20 to present their location and plans for next year's DebConf.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask either on IRC or via email, replying to this message.

Kind regards,

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