We currently have bids from Kochi (India), Lisbon (Portugal), Priština
(Kosovo) and Umeå (Sweden).
If you plan to continue your bid for DebConf21 in your city, please
update your bid platforms at
https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/21 by 2019-12-31.
https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/General/Handbook/Bids/PriorityList and
are the documents to guide the information we are looking for and those
are also the basis for evaluation of your bids.
The committee and the DebConf team are here to help you build your bids.
Please discuss them with us, as you go. We can guide you to think about
the important parts of a good bid, and help you to build a complete,
strong bid in time.
Ideally you'd drop by #debconf-team on OFTC for a chat.
Please forward this email within your bid team. And - ideally - make
sure you and every team member are subscribed to the DebConf-Team
mailing list at: https://lists.debian.org/debconf-team/
We will call for review meetings mid/end of January and plan to announce
the winning bid team for DebConf21 in February 2020.
Kind regards,