Hi folks,

The Checklist is created as it was required. Sorry for the delay.
It is placed at the same wiki page as the bid:
just added content.

It would be nice for people to check it before tonight's meeting.

*side note: I kindly ask the name to be written Prishtina or Pristina
and not Priština :)


On 07/01/2020 19:00, Daniel Lange wrote:
> Dear DebConf21 bid teams,
> on behalf of the DebConf committee I would like to invite you to a
> public review meeting of the running bids for DebConf21
> on Wednesday, Jan 15, 2020 18:00 - 19:30 UTC
> in #debconf-team (OFTC IRC).
> The bids for DebConf21 are:
> Kochi (India)     ... https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/21/Bids/India
> Lisbon (Portugal) ... https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/21/Bids/Portugal
> Priština (Kosovo) ... https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/21/Bids/Kosovo
> Please make sure to ask your fellow team members to attend as well.
> Kindly prepare a ~5 line introduction to your bid. Please identify
> your bid's strengths and - if you see any major open issues - name
> them, too.
> As said in the last email consider filling the location checklist as per
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/General/Handbook/Bids/LocationCheckList
> on a Debian wiki page. This makes your bids easier to compare.
> Every DebConf team member is kindly invited to join the meeting,
> review the bids and ask questions.
> As a heads-up: We will likely call for a second review meeting a week
> or two later. This one will then focus on the issues identified during
> the first review meeting (or forwarded to you by email) only. Shortly
> after we hope to be able to announce a winning bid and invite that
> team to DebConf20 to present their location and plans for next year's
> DebConf.
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask either on IRC
> or via email, replying to this message.
> Kind regards,
> Daniel

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