Hi Carlos


I'm working to add the translation to the blog.

Meanwhile, I point out some paragraphs that changed, below:

El 21/7/19 a las 14:11, Carlos Filho escribió:
> Laura follows the translation in Portuguese. If there is any change in
> the original text let me know.

> Contribuidores Debian de todo o mundo se reuniram na Universidade
> Federal de Tecnologia - Paraná (UTFPR)em Curitiba, Brasil,durante a
> semana anterior para o DebCamp (focado no trabalho individual e sprints
> de equipes para colaboração com as pessoa que estão desenvolvendo
> Debian),o Dia Aberto em 20 de julho (com apresentações e workshops
> de interesse para um público amplo).

The above paragraph changed and now it's:

Debian contributors from all over the world have come together at
[Federal University of Technology - Paraná
in Curitiba, Brazil, to participate and work in a conference exclusively
run by volunteers.

> Se você quiser se envolver remotamente, você pode seguir ostreaming de
> vídeo disponível no site da DebConf19dos eventos que acontecem nas três
> salas de conversação:
> Auditório (auditório principal), Miniauditório e Sala de
> Videoconferência ou participar das conversas sobre o que está
> acontecendonas salas de conversação:# debconf-auditorio,#
> debconf-miniauditorio e # debconf-videoconferencia(todos esses canais na
> rede OFTC IRC).

That paragraph changed to aovid a too long sentence. Now it's:

the three talk rooms:
_Auditório_ (the main auditorium), _Miniauditório_ and _Sala de
Or you can join the conversation about what is happening
in the talk rooms:

The paragraph about the welcome environment may also change.

The current wording is

DebConf is committed to a safe and welcome environment for all participants.
During the conference, several teams (Front Desk, Welcome team and
Anti-Harassment team) are available to help so both on-site and remote
participants get their best experience in the conference, and find
solutions to any issue that may arise.
See the [DebConf Code of Conduct](https://debconf.org/codeofconduct.shtml)
and the [Debian Code of Conduct](https://www.debian.org/code_of_conduct)
for more details on this.

> Em dom, 21 de jul de 2019 às 08:22, Laura Arjona Reina
> <larj...@debian.org <mailto:larj...@debian.org>> escreveu:
>     Hi!
>     El 21 de julio de 2019 13:14:19 CEST, Ana Guerrero Lopez
>     <a...@debian.org <mailto:a...@debian.org>> escribió:
>     >On Sun, Jul 21, 2019 at 12:52:30PM +0200, Laura Arjona Reina wrote:
>     >>
>     >> /:
>     >>
>     >>
> >https://salsa.debian.org/publicity-team/bits/blob/master/content/2019/debconf19-starts.md
>     >>
>     >> I've added a paragraph about our live coverage ;-)
>     >> and another one expanding a bit the welcome/antiharassment/help
>     >> resources available. Please have a look and improve as you see fit!
>     >
>     >I'd remove the mention to the past events (debcamp and openday) and add
>     >a
>     >pointer to the volunteers working in the conference:
> >https://salsa.debian.org/publicity-team/bits/commit/acb6911c31bbf0015fa399707fcc27b9545e9d9b
>     Fine, thanks! Indeed the old wording makes more sense for the
>     closing announcement.
>     Do you mind to commit it to master? I'm afk right now.
>     Thanks
>     -- 
>     Laura Arjona Reina
>     https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona
>     Sent with K-9 mail

Laura Arjona Reina

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