Hi again
Thanks for the reviews.
We've just published the blog post:


I'll add it to the debconf19 website too.

Further reviews (if needed) and translations are still welcome, I'll
update accordingly.

Kind regards,

El 20/7/19 a las 14:03, Laura Arjona Reina escribió:
> Hi all!
> El 19/7/19 a las 21:59, Laura Arjona Reina escribió:
>> Hi!
>> I cannot believe DebConf19 is almost here! Still (happily) recovering a
>> bit from the Debian 10 buster release (thanks to everybody involved!),
>> I'm trying to catch up with things.
>> My proposal for publicity items is this one:
>> * General coordination: #debian-publicity and #debconf-team
>> * Collaborative pad for instructions, braindump/TODO and micronews
>> proposals: https://deb.li/publipad
>> * Blog posts:
>> 1.- About Open Day (to be published ASAP, but it still needs work, and I
>> guess it would be nice to have at least Portuguese translation (when the
>> content is ready):
>> https://salsa.debian.org/publicity-team/bits/blob/master/content/2019/debconf19-open-day.md
>> https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/data/dc19/issues/47
> The blog post IMO is ready for review and translations (and publishing):
> https://salsa.debian.org/publicity-team/bits/blob/master/content/2019/debconf19-open-day.md
> If you commit a translation, please state in your message if it's ready
> for publishing or still WIP, because we'd like to publish the blog post
> as soon as possible (Open Day ceremony starts in 1h...).
> Once it's published in bits.debian.org, I will add the English version
> and Portuguese (if existing) to the debconf19.debconf.org website.
> Sorry for the short notice, and thanks in advance for your help and
> contributions!
> Kind regards,

Laura Arjona Reina

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