Am 05.02.2016 um 14:05 schrieb martin f krafft:
If, on the other hand, we decide to push out more than just preliminary questions at this stage, then we need to nail those questions ASAP. For people to decide whether they need financial aid, we'll need to have reasonably accurate room&board prices. Are the prices quoted on the stormpad final?
Yes, they are the UCT prices I got from the contract (the famous one we talk about every week). As UCT / their contractor - as far as I understood it - will also do the collections for non-sponsored people, I quoted exact and not marked up. That obviously means that every room we do not cancel 45 days before DebCamp, we have to pay affecting budget.

Comparing the set of questions in the stormpad¹ to the approach we took for DC15 creates the question for me why we are approaching this entirely differently. Was DC15's approach not good?
Any will do as long as we get the figures we need.

Which are:
1) # attendees
1.1) breakdown of these: # people sleeping at UCT {DebCamp | Debconf} -> needs to be detailed later into individual days 2) # people asking for {food | accommodation } sponsorship {DebCamp | Debconf} 3) estimate of travel sponsorship required (total for bursary budget allocation, individual level as input for bursary decisions)

Nice would be to know the 4) # of children (to help planning), 5) individual people considering a talk proposal (for bursaries).

Do we have to ask separately about food and room sponsorship?
I guess some people that want to sleep with their family will look for private accommodation and still take the sponsorship offer for food. No idea about the size of that group, hence ask >> guess.

We need to have rather final accommodation numbers in April (we
set so April 6th as our internal deadline in to avoid cancellation cost at UCT.
I don't think we will have final accomodation numbers in April, but
we'll have a better basis for an estimation.
45 days cancellation policy, see above. So the better we are, the more money we can spend on more useful things than empty beds. NB: There will be an error margin and we do want to have a small reserve for latecomers.

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