Is the goal here to have people actually pre-register or just to get
some numbers for planning purposes?

If the immediate goal is to just get some ideas for basic planning, a
three question survey would do it and probably be better. You wouldn't
even need to have accounts or e-mail addresses. :)

1) Planning to attend debcamp
2) Planning to attend debconf
3) Will require sponsorship

To be a little more thorough, adding:

4) I am traveling with family

It's probably safe to assume (for estimation purposes) that people who
want sponsorship for debconf also want it for debcamp.

On 02/03/2016 10:23 PM, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Stefano Rivera <> [2016-02-04 13:48 +1100]:
>>> [ ] Will require sponsorship
>> This could require a bit of clarification. Do we consider "free
>> attendance" to be requiring sponsorship? I think most of us do, but
>> presumably some attendees don't.
> Maybe two checkboxes, financial assistance required for [ ]travel
> and [ ]room&board? I feel like the former precludes the latter too…
> But isn't this something we can obtain with much better quality from
> the people once we know who they are, a few weeks down the road?
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