also sprach Bernelle Verster <> [2015-11-18 22:21 +1300]:
> I think you hit the nail on the head. TLDR: I'm not suited to this.

Dear Bernelle,

what a sad development, but I can't blame you. Thank you for
everything you have done.

I'll especially miss your direct no-bullshit take on things. I've
told you multiple times that you are a great asset to this team. You
cut through all the shit and put your finger on the wounds. It's
sad to see you toss the towel.

The Debian world Patty describes is not reality anymore. In Debian,
we've gotten better at making decisions. We even have reasonably
fixed release schedules, which long-timers will attest was quite the
antithesis back in the days. We still have ways to go, but it's
questionable as to how far you can/should take a project as diverse
and idealistic as Debian. Also, we have infinite time in Debian, but
many of us have realised that endless discussions cannot and must
not be our priority.

DebConf orga is quite different, even though some people
continuously try to paint it as just another Debian project. It's
not, it's too unique to be just that. Time constraints and
real-world interfaces require us to stay on the move and we really
cannot afford to pretend that idealism will organise conferences, or
that every opinion needs to be incorporated. And we need to protect
those people doing the work from having their train brought to
a grinding halt by random interjections, especially as the pace
picks up.

Some of us have the mission to empower those with energy to get the
work done, and to support them all along, rather than doubt their
abilities and install bureaucracy in a hopeless attempt to prevent

Your departure in the context of things makes it even clearer that
we are on the right track.

If you ever wanted to come back, we'd welcome you with open arms.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf16: Cape Town:
      DebConf17 in your country?

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